This website mainly exists for the purpose of making knowledge of forest biodiversity and the difference between natural forests and forest plantations more accessible. By showing what natural and old growth forests looks like, I hope to counteract (well, at least to some small extent) the shifting baseline. And hopefully also arouse interest in learning more about how to find and protect the last remaining patches of natural forests.
I am a conservation biologist, photographer and computer specialist living in the southern part of Sweden. My key skills are epiphytic lichens, forest living species, forest ecology and arctic ecology. I have extensive experience of working in the field, both as part of groups and alone in remote areas.
Formal education: conservation biology, marine biology, electrical and computer engineering.
Publications (Swedish)
- Fältflora över signalarter i skog – lavar, mossor, kärlväxter. 2023. Upplaga 2. ISBN 9789180575508:
- Fältflora över signalarter i skog – lavar, mossor, kärlväxter. 2017. Upplaga 1. ISBN: 9789176996003
This website mainly exists for the purpose of making knowledge of forest biodiversity and the difference between natural forests and forest plantations more accessible. By showing what natural and old growth forests looks like, I hope to counteract (well, at least to some small extent) the shifting baseline. And hopefully also arouse interest in learning more about how to find and protect the last remaining patches of natural forests.
I am a conservation biologist, photographer and computer specialist living in the southern part of Sweden. My key skills are epiphytic lichens, forest living species, forest ecology and arctic ecology. I have extensive experience of working in the field, both as part of groups and alone in remote areas.
Formal education: conservation biology, marine biology, electrical and computer engineering.
Publications (Swedish)
- Fältflora över signalarter i skog – lavar, mossor, kärlväxter. 2023. Upplaga 2. ISBN 9789180575508:
- Fältflora över signalarter i skog – lavar, mossor, kärlväxter. 2017. Upplaga 1. ISBN: 9789176996003